European Global School-University (EGS) and Advanced Education, Research and Development Centre (AERDC) Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Degree ProgramDoctorate Program (PhD by Research)Master's ProgramUndergraduate ProgramDiploma ProgramCertificate ProgramSpecializationApplied Science and TechnologySocial Sciences, Arts & HumanitiesEconomics, Management and Business AdministrationAgricultural Sciences, Environmental and Rural DevelopmentInformation Sciences and CommunicationPublic HealthEducation and PsychologyInnovation and EntrepreneurshipFullName *FirstLastCivil StatusSingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedName of Spouse *FirstLastPlace of Birth *Passport / ID NumberNationalityEmail *Name of Parent / Guardian (If not married)Address of Parent / GuardianAre you employed?Choice 4YesNoCurrent EmployerAddress of EmployerEmployer's EmailPhone No.School / College / UniversityDate of AttendanceDegree / Course ObtainedMajorSchool / College / University 2Date of Attendance 2Degree / Course Obtained 2Major 2School / College / University 3Date of Attendance 3Degree / Course Obtained 3Major 3School / College / University 4Date of Attendance 4Degree / Course Obtained 4Major 4PositionInstitutionDatesPosition 2Institution 2Dates 2Position 3Institution 3Dates 3(1) *(2) *Kind / NatureAwarding Institution / AgencyDateKind / Nature 2Awarding Institution / Agency 2Date 2Kind / Nature 3Awarding Institution / Agency 3Date 3Language of StudyEnglishFrenchFullnameAddressContact NumberFullnameTitle/PositionEmail Address / TelephoneFullname 2Title/Position 2Address 2WebsiteSend Application Form